The first line of input will be an integer N with N ≥ 2.
The second line will be the positive
integer T where T < N
2 .
The remaining input will be T lines, each representing the location
of a single tree. The location is given by two positive integers, R and then C, separated by
a single space. Each tree is located at row R and column C where rows are numbered from
top to bottom from 1 to N and columns are numbered from left to right from 1 to N. No
two trees are at the same location.
输入的第一行将是一个整数 N,其中 N ≥ 2。
第二行将是正整数 T,其中 T < N²。
剩余的输入将是 T 行,每行表示一棵树的位置。位置由两个正整数 R 和 C 给出,中间由一个空格分开。每棵树位于 R 行 C 列,其中行从上到下从 1 到 N 编号,列从左到右从 1 到 N 编号。没有两棵树位于相同的位置。