You have trouble remembering which type of triangle is which. You write a program to help.
Your program reads in three angles (in degrees).
• If all three angles are 60, output Equilateral.
• If the three angles add up to 180 and exactly two of the angles are the same, output Isosceles.
• If the three angles add up to 180 and no two angles are the same, output Scalene.
• If the three angles do not add up to 180, output Error.
如果所有三个角度都是 60 度,则输出等边三角形(Equilateral)。
如果三个角度之和为 180 度并且恰好有两个角度相同,则输出等腰三角形(Isosceles)。
如果三个角度之和为 180 度并且没有两个角度相同,则输出不等边三角形(Scalene)。
如果三个角度之和不为 180 度,则输出错误(Error)。